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"From a young, award-winning scientist, a look at one of the most compelling and historic turning points of our time--the race to harness the power of the stars and produce controlled fusion, creating a practically unlimited supply of clean energy. The most important energy-making process in the universe takes place inside stars. The ability to duplicate that process in a lab, once thought out of reach, may now be closer than we think. Today, all...
Part philosophical ponderings on humanity's relationship to the universe, part scientific extrapolation on what technological advancement might bring to that understanding, this long essay, first published in Century Illustrated Magazine in June 1900, is yet another example of the genius of Serbian inventor NIKOLA TESLA (1857-1943), the revolutionary scientist who forever changed the scientific fields of electricity and magnetism.
Travel back in time with Doctor Who, the Terminator, the X-Men, and all your favorite time travelers!
Science fiction is the perfect window into the possibilities and perils of time travel. What would happen if you went back in time and killed your own grandparent? If you knew how to stop a presidential assassination, would time travel allow you to make your wish come true? Can we use time travel as a tool to escape the destiny of our future or mistakes...
"Big Science" is a broad epithet that can be associated with research projects that involve huge budgets, big facilities, complex instrumentation, years of planning, and large multidisciplinary teams of researchers. Legitimizing the ESS examines the complexity of the cultural, social, and political processes from which and in which Big Science develops by focusing on the planning and development of the European Spallation Source, ESS, that is to be...
Este libro está escrito para ti, curioso de cualquier edad. Esta es una de las primeras líneas de El mundo de Max. La ciencia para todos. Vive con Max sus aventuras y descubrirás a través de sus ojos que el mundo está lleno de maravillas. Aquí encontrarás las explicaciones a muchas cosas que suceden a tu alrededor y además podrás comprobarlas tú mismo con los numerosos experimentos sobre la materia, la energía, la luz, la percepción, la...
Culling common household items to create an uncommon arsenal of miniature gadgets and side arms, this guidebook provides do-it-yourself spy enthusiasts with 35 different surveillance tools and weapons. From a mini-catapult in a breath-mint tin to milk-jug cap blow-dart wristwatches, this handbook details how to achieve clandestine ends practically and inexpensively. In addition to creating weapons such as periscopes, bionic ears, and grappling hooks,...
Science, as we all know refers to a body of knowledge itself, of the type that can be rationally explained and reliably applied. Science is a unique combination of Theory and Practice. A thorough knowledge of this subject is almost impossible without proper practical demonstrations which are also termed as Scientific Activities or Projects. In this book, 71+10 Science Activities, the author has taken up the simple facts and principles of Science,...
With the advent of modern household products and office supplies binder clips, clothespins, rubber bands, ballpoint pens, toothpicks, paper clips, plastic utensils, and matches and barbeque lighters troublemakers of all stripes have the components needed to build an impressive, if somewhat miniaturized, arsenal. Detailed, step-by-step instructions for each project are provided, including materials and ammo lists, clear diagrams, and construction tips....
Más allá de opiniones y teorías, el experimento es el que nos da la clave sobre qué es cierto y qué no. Una vez más, con su estilo riguroso y divertido, Javier Fernández Panadero te propone con este libro un desafío: TÚ serás el que llegue al resultado.
¿Cuánto peso aguanta un pelo? ¿Cambia mi altura durante el día? ¿Cómo sacar ventaja en un examen tipo test?
Mide, calcula, estima, comprueba y decide. Esta es la varita mágica con...
Este libro tiene como objetivo la divulgación científica de forma comprensible para cualquier persona, independientemente de su formación previa. Está especialmente pensado para niños y jóvenes de edades comprendidas entre los 10 y 16 años y recoge un amplio espectro de temas de interés, como son la Tierra, el cuerpo humano, la biología, la física y química, la tecnología o las matemáticas.
Javier Fernández Panadero es licenciado en...
Written for reasonable risk takers and suburban dads who want to add more excitement to their lives, this daring combination of science, history, and DIY projects explains why danger is good for you and details the art of living dangerously. All of the projectsfrom throwing knives, drinking absinthe, and eating fugu to cracking a bull whip, learning baritsu, and building a flamethrowerhave short learning curves; are human-focused, as opposed to technology-centric;...
In this revised and expanded edition, William Gurstelle shows ordinary folks how to build a dozen fun and impressively powerful launchers with inexpensive household and hardware store materials. This new edition includes three new projects along with diagrams, photographs, and fascinating science information. With a strong emphasis on safety, the book also gives tips on troubleshooting and describes each machine's historical origins as well as the...
A man's home is his castle, or so the saying goes, but could it withstand an attack by Attila and the Huns, Ragnar and the Vikings, Alexander and the Greeks, Genghis Khan and the Mongols, or Tamerlane and the Tartars? Backyard Ballistics author William Gurstelle poses this fascinating question to modern-day garage warriors and shows them how to build an arsenal of ancient artillery and fortifications aimed at withstanding these invading hordes. Each...
Utilizing easy-to-find and inexpensive materials, this handy resource teaches desktop warriors how to build a multitude of medieval siege weapons for the modern era. Novice combatants will learn to build 35 defense weapons, including a marshmallow catapult, a chopstick bow, a bottle cap crossbow, and a clothespin ballista. In addition to beefing up their Dark Age arsenal, would-be warriors are provided with a number of targets on which to practice...
Cómo los grandes científicos recurrieron a la figura del Demonio para avanzar en sus teorías y revolucionar el mundo.
Desde los comienzos de la ciencia, la palabra «demonio» empezó a usarse para designar algo que rompía con nuestra comprensión de la naturaleza. A estos enigmas se les distinguió con el apellido del científico que se topó con ellos y que emprendió un viaje hacia lo desconocido, intentando comprenderlos mejor. El llamado...
En este volumen se recogen 202 preguntas y respuestas sobre distintas disciplinas científicas (química, física, tecnología, biología, etc.). Todo fácil pero exacto. Los libros de Javier Fernández Panadero tienen como objetivo la divulgación científica de forma comprensible para cualquier persona, independientemente de su formación previa.
Está especialmente pensado para niños y jóvenes de edades comprendidas entre los 10 y 16 años....
Combining science, history, and DIY pyrotechnics, this book for the workbench warrior explains humankinds most useful and paradoxical tool: fire. William Gurstelle, author of the bestselling Backyard Ballistics, presents 25 projects with instructions, diagrams, photos, and links to video demonstrations that enable people of all ages to explore and safely play with fire. From Franklins stove to Diesels engine, explosive and fascinating tales are told...
This book is ideal for high school & engineering students as well as hobbyists who have just started out building projects in Electrical and Electronics fields. The book starts with electrical and electronics fundamentals necessary for execution of projects. The basic knowledge is introduced first followed by a schematic diagram, components list and the theory behind the project to be performed is given. The projects have been divided into three segments...
La Ciencia va más allá de lo que se hace en los laboratorios. La Ciencia trata de cómo funciona tu cuerpo y el mundo que te rodea. Y en este libro te proponemos convertir tu mundo en un laboratorio en el que podrás hacer más de setenta experimentos sencillos, divertidos, que podrás disfrutar en compañía y te permitirán entender mejor la mágica Ciencia que aparece en cada rincón del Universo. Para que puedas experimentar en tu propio "laboratorio",...
Dans ce livre, dix expériences qui ont conduit à un changement radical des théories physiques et scientifiques, à partir de ce qui s'est passé à la fin du XIXe siècle et se terminant à la fin du XXe siècle, sont décrites en détail.
Ces expériences sont décrites d'abord en se concentrant sur le problème qui a motivé le test de cet appareillage très expérimental, puis en décrivant la solution trouvée, et enfin en exposant les conséquences...
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