Animals & trees: Earth Day crown
School days: Noodle name tag
Sandpaper letter rubbings
Big fun crafts: Bottle bowling pins
Cardboard box bookshelves
Family fun: "All about me" scrapbook
Hearts & flowers necklace
Friendship: Friendship paper quilt
Around-the-world celebrations: America: Yankee doodle dandy headband
Japan: Stuffed paper fish
Nigeria: Oatmeal box drum
India: Floating Diwali candles
Vietnam: Swinging lanterns
England: Pressed flower card
Canada: Sponge print gift wrap
Italy: Berry basket cricket house
Mexico: Seed shaker maracas
Brazil: Peek-a-boo carnival mask
Neighborhood: Ghostly sponge prints
"Open wide" paper bag puppet
Outdoor fun: Cardboard carton obstacle course
Big fun in special places: The zoo: Zany zoo animals
The circus: Straw acrobats
The beach: Seashell paperweight
The library: Photo bookmark
The farm: Old McDonald mural
The aquarium: Paper plate fish tank.