From the Book - First edition.
Introduction: Feel your way to clean and calm
What you'll find in this book: the genius of sticky notes and other simple systems
Don't get daunted, get dressed
Perfectionism is like quicksand: impossible standards for you and your home
The art of happy houseguesting
The FlyLady's panic-free philosophy
Make a plan for positive progress
Feel the stretch: cleaning is good for the home, body, and soul
Arm yourself! FlyLady's top five must-haves
The garden of misfit tees
The great sock-and-undie purge
Extinguish your hot spots
On a mission in the kitchen
Where have you bin all my life?: jars, boxes, and other containers
Perfectly imperfect cooking (plus: pancakes!)
Germ warfare: get ready for V-Day!
A lighter load: laundering lessons
Liberate your linen closets
Medicine cabinet: prognosis is good
Make your office work for you
Refresh your home, refresh you (plus: cookies!)
Just the middles: quick attacks for your floors
Walls need your love, too
The writing on the wall: chalk it up to organization
Garage sneak attack (works for basements, too!)
Let's get a move on: sports and camping gear
A hot mess on wheels: car care is self-care
Pest patrol: roaches, ants, spiders, and other uninvited guests
Critterlove: cleaning and caring for our pets
Fired up about fireplaces
Conclusion: Ditch the drudgery, embrace the dream.