pt. 1. The Invasion of Politics: 1933-1939. 1. Violence. Brute Violence: The SA. Systematic Terror: The SS. The Victims: The Discontented and Those Who Resisted. The Victims: "Those Alien to the Community" The Concentration Camps. 2. The Myth of the People's Community. A Community of the People, or of the Race? The Strategy of Communication. The Party: Was It a Prefiguration or a Caricature of the Community? How the Myth was Received by Public Opinion. 3. The Illusions, Collusions, and Disillusions of the Elites. Doubts of the Leading Social Groups. Getting Everyone to "Fall into Line," 1933-1934. "Continue to Function" At Least, 1934-1938. 4. The Conquest of the Masses. Were the Middle Classes Rewarded? A Disintegrating Working Class. The Conquest of Women and Young People. 5. Radicalization, 1938-1939. The Battle Against the Churches. Marching as to War
pt. 2. Wartime Society: 1939-1945. 6. The Dissolution of Civil Society. Families Split Apart. Towns Reduced to Rubble: Resourcefulness and New Solidarities. The Mixing and Migrations of Rural Populations. Militarized Workers. 7. The Nazi Party and the Social Authorities. The High-Ranking Officials: Caught Between Impotence and Conspiracy. The Ambitions and the Discredit of the Party. The Major Business Bosses Move Toward Limitless Expansion. 8. Toward Utopia through Terror. The SS Empire. How to Live with Ten Million Excluded People. The Final Solution to "The Jewish Question" 9. The Front and the Rear. The Avenging Army, 1939-1940. The Crusading Army, 1941-1943. The Wehrmacht and War Crimes. The Military Plots and the Defeat. Morale at the Rear.