Introduction / Will Blythe.
At the point of my pen / Norman Mailer.
Uncanny the singing that comes from certain husks / Joy Williams.
Where does writing come from? / Richard Ford.
I am a ... Genius! / Thom Jones.
Some for glory, some for praise / James Salter.
That's what dogs do / Amy Hempel.
Writing and a life lived well: notes on Allan Gurganus / Ann Patchett.
Easing my heart inside / Terry McMillan.
Why the daily writing of fiction matters / Rich Bass.
Phobia and composition / Rick Moody & Margaret F.M. Davis.
Secret agent / Denis Johnson.
The lousy rider / Elizabeth Gilbert.
Writing / William Vollmann.
For the money / Mark Jacobson.
Why I write / Stephen Wright.
Everything else falls away / Lee Smith.
The nature of the fun / David Foster Wallace.
Why I write, or not / Jim Harrison.
The wolf in the tall grass / Mary Gaitskill.
Rent retards the revolution! / Darius James.
The war we can't win, we can't lose, we can't quit / Barry Hannah.
Collecting myself / Tom Chiarella.
Why she writes / Jayne Anne Phillips.
In silence / Robert Stone.
Who is that man tied to the mast? / Mark Richard.