The creation of the world (Yuchi) --
The crying place (Caddo) --
The great flood (Chitimacha) --
Stonecoat (Yamassee/Cherokee) --
The coming of corn (Choctaw) --
The rabbit who stole fire (Seminole) --
Rabbit's horse (Creek) --
Rabbit and wildcat (Natchez) --
How rabbit stole otter's coat (Cherokee) --
How alligator's nose was broken (Seminole) --
Heron and hummingbird (Hitchiti) --
Bigfoot bird (Eastern Cherokee) --
Opossum and her children (Koasati) --
Fox and crawfish (Natchez) --
How the biters and stingers got their poison (Choctaw) --
Why the buzzard is bald (Biloxi) --
The girl who married a star (Caddo) --
How men first played the game of ball (Apalachee) --
The ice man (Cherokee) --
Lodge boy, wild boy, and the monster woman (Creek) --
Keeper of the animals (Cherokee) --
The three owls (Tunica) --
The wonderful sky boat (Alabama) --
The old people who turned into bears (Chitimacha) --
Panther and little sister (Creek) --
The country under the water (Tunica).