Marty Makary
When modern medicine issues recommendations based on good scientific studies, it shines. Conversely, when modern medicine is interpreted through the harsh lens of opinion and edict, it can mold beliefs that harm patients and stunt research for decades. In Blind Spots, Dr. Makary explores the latest research on critical topics ranging from the microbiome to childbirth to nutrition and longevity and more, revealing the biggest blind spots of modern...
New York Times bestseller
Business Book of the Year—Association of Business Journalists
From the New York Times bestselling author comes an eye-opening, urgent look at America's broken health care system—and the people who are saving it—now with a new Afterword by the author.
"A must-read for every American." —Steve Forbes, editor-in-chief,...
Business Book of the Year—Association of Business Journalists
From the New York Times bestselling author comes an eye-opening, urgent look at America's broken health care system—and the people who are saving it—now with a new Afterword by the author.
"A must-read for every American." —Steve Forbes, editor-in-chief,...
Since 1997, Maggie Gobran and her organization Stephen's Children have been changing lives in Cairo's notorious zabala, or garbage slums. Her innovative, transformational work has garnered worldwide fame and multiple Nobel Prize nominations. This book chronicles Mama Maggie's surprising pilgrimage from privileged child to stylish businesswoman to college professor pondering God's call to change.
One in five Americans now has medical debt in collections, and rising health care costs today threaten every small business in America. Dr. Makary, one of the nation's leading health care experts, travels across America and details why health care has become a bubble. Drawing from on-the-ground stories, his research, and his own experience, The Price We Pay paints a vivid picture of price-gouging, middlemen, and a series of elusive money games in...
5) Never events
Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States. Never Events is a term that refers to mistakes that should never occur in the medical field. The documentary shares the stories of individuals and physicians affected by preventable medical harm. Using information from top medical professionals and patient safety advocates, the film showcases ways to prevent medical errors and provides tools for the audience to better protect...