Jane Isay
A beautiful meditation on the joys of being a grandparent and a practical guide to help you and your adult children make the most of your relationship with a grandchild.
For many grandparents, a grandchild offers a second chance to become the parent they didn't have the time or the energy to be when raising their own children. Being a grandparent, family relationships expert Jane Isay argues, is the opportunity to turn missed opportunities into delight.
There's a myth out there that good relations between brothers and sisters do not include conflict, annoyance, disagreement, or mixed feelings. Jane Isay believes this is a destructive myth, one that makes people doubt the strength of the connection with their siblings. Brothers and sisters may love and hate, fight and forgive, but they never forget their early bonds.Based on scores of interviews with brothers and sisters young and old, Mom Still Likes...
We raise our children to be independent and lead fulfilling lives, but when they finally do, staying close becomes more complicated than ever. And for every bewildered mother who wonders why her children don't call, there is a frustrated son or daughter who just wants to be treated like a grownup. Now, renowned editor Jane Isay delivers the perfect gift to both parents and their adult children-real-life wisdom and advice on how to stay together without...
4) Walking on eggshells: navigating the delicate relationship between adult children and their parents
Addressing different types of family issues, the author offers advice for parents and adult children on how to express what they think and what they want without pushing each other away.