Chester B Himes
Everyman's library volume 417
"Here in one volume is an exceptional selection from Chester Himes's acclaimed Harlem Detectives series. Winner of France's prestigious Grand Prix de Littérature Policière and lauded by Jean Cocteau as a "prodigious masterpiece," A Rage in Harlem introduces detectives Grave Digger Jones and Coffin Ed Johnson in a searing escapade. In The Real Cool Killers, the duo investigates a shooting and discovers an unsettling personal connection. In The...
Prison life in the 1930s featuring a white man incarcerated for robbery. The novel is based on the experience of its black author and deals with violence and male love. This edition is the unpublished original, a sanitized version having been published in 1953 under the title, Cast the First Stone.
Library of America volume 95
This adventurous volume, with its companion devoted to the 1930s and 40s, presents a rich vein of modern American writing too often neglected in mainstream literary histories. Evolving out of the terse and violent hardboiled style of the pulp magazines, noir fiction expanded over the decades into a varied and innovative body of writing. Tapping deep roots in the American literary imagination, the novels in this volume explore themes of crime, guilt,...
In too deep: A gritty crime drama about a dedicated young cop who goes deep undercover to take down a ruthless gangster! Officer Jeff Cole is given a dangerous mission to infiltrate the syndicate of "God," the charismatic and deadly crime lord who rules the city's streets.
The glass shield: An enthusiastic black rookie cop is gradually corrupted in the Los Angeles Police Department by a steady onslaught of racism. In the end, he unwittingly participates...