Luo Guanzhong
《三国演义》又名《三国志演义》、《三国志通俗演义》,是我国小说史上最著名最杰出的长篇章回体历史小说。 《三国演义》的作者是元末明初人罗贯中,在其成书前,"三国故事"已经历了数百年的历史发展过程。在唐代,三国故事已广为流传,连儿童都很熟悉。随着市民文艺的发展,宋代的"说话"艺人,已有专门说三国故事的,当时称为"说三分"。元代出现的《三国志平话》,实际上是从说书人使用的本子,虽较简略粗糙,但已初肯《三国演义》的规模。罗贯中在群众传说和民间艺人创作的基础上,又依据陈寿《三国志》及裴松之注中所征引的资料(还包括《世说新语》及注中的资料),经过巨大的创作劳动,写在了规模宏伟的巨著——《三国演义》。
...The novel is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. It mainly describes the war among three political groups, Wei, Shu and Wu, and reflecs the strong political and military struggle among them.
...The Three Kingdoms is an epic Chinese novel written over six centuries ago. It recounts in vivid historical detail the turbulent years at the close of the Han Dynasty when China broke into three competing kingdoms and over half the population was killed or driven from their homes. readers will experience the loyalty and treachery, the brotherhood...
The Three Kingdoms is an epic Chinese novel written over six centuries ago. It recounts in vivid historical detail the turbulent years at the close of the Han Dynasty when China broke into three competing kingdoms and over half the population was killed or driven from their homes. readers will experience the loyalty and treachery, the brotherhood...
The Three Kingdoms is an epic Chinese novel written over six centuries ago. It recounts in vivid historical detail the turbulent years at the close of the Han Dynasty when China broke into three competing kingdoms and over half the population was killed or driven from their homes. readers will experience the loyalty and treachery, the brotherhood...
6) 中国经典名著:三国演义(繁体完美补字版)(Chinese Classics:Romance of the Three Kingdoms — Traditional Chinese Edition)