Matthew Gollub
1) Tío Culebra
Este cuento ilustrado para niños se inspira en una antigua creencia de Oaxaca, México. Un niño atrevido entra una cueva misteriosa y por eso su cabeza es convertida en la de una serpiente. Después de bailar con máscara por 20 años en la fiesta de su pueblo, es convertido en serpiente con cara humana, luego en relámpagos.
When his face is changed into that of a snake after he visits a forbidden cave, a young boy wears a mask for twenty...
A fly uses a combination of Spanish and jazz scat to ask a sloth, a monkey, and a mackaw to transport his band to a tropical concert site, and then to talk sense to an anteater who interrupts their performance. Includes author's note on how language, rhythm, color, and life are depicted in the book.