Thomas R. Flagel
Union and Confederate veterans meet at Gettysburg on the 50th anniversary of the battle
This June 29–July 4 reunion drew over 55,000 official attendees plus thousands more who descended upon a town of 4,000 during the scorching summer of 1913, with the promise of little more than a cot and two blankets, military fare, and the presence of countless adversaries from a horrific war. Most were revisiting a time and place in their personal history that...
Do You Think You Know the Civil War? The History Buff's Guide to the Civil War clears the powder smoke surrounding the war that changed America forever. What were the best, the worst, the largest, and the most lethal aspects of the conflict? With over thirty annotated top ten lists and unexpected new findings, author Thomas R. Flagel will have you debating the most intriguing questions of the Civil War in no time. From the top ten causes of the war...
Did you know that Warren G. Harding played poker in the White House at least once a week? Or that Richard Nixon was a Quaker? The History Buff's Guide to the Presidents takes a peek behind the scenes, revealing everything you ever wanted to know about the families, personal habits, and social lives of the most powerful job in the world. Author Thomas R. Flagel's unique perspective on the presidents makes this an essential book for the merely curious
...4) Gettysburg
Gettysburg is widely considered to be the turning point of the Civil War and one of the most epic clashes of arms in all of military history, from the legendary stand of Joshua Chamberlain to the disastrous Pickett's Charge on the battle's third and final day. In this installment in the Battle Briefings series, Thomas Flagel provides an accessible and informative introduction to the battle. Gettysburg is considered to be the turning point of the Civil...