Paul Erickson
In the United States at the height of the Cold War, roughly between the end of World War II and the early 1980s, a new project of redefining rationality commanded the attention of sharp minds, powerful politicians, wealthy foundations, and top military brass. Its home was the human sciences-psychology, sociology, political science, and economics, among others-and its participants enlisted in an intellectual campaign to figure out what rationality...
"Who were the Pilgrims? This handsome photo essay examines the daily life of one family in a Pilgrim settlement in 1636 in the context of the workings of the entire colony. Readers will meet the members of Prentiss family, who live and work in the Plymouth Colony. Each one--including the children--has an important role to play. The routines of the household, food, dress, labor, leisure time, religion and government, health and medicine, and special...