Carmen Agra Deedy
In June of 2002, a ceremony begins in a village in western Kenya. Hundreds of Maasai surround an American diplomat to bestow a gift on the American people. The gift is as unsought and unexpected as it is extraordinary. A mere nine months have passed since the September 11 attacks, and hearts are raw. Tears flow freely as these legendary warriors offer their gift to a grieving people half a world away. Word of the gift will travel news wires around...
One dawn the Moon hears the laughter of children waking up and she yearns to see them, but the day belongs to the Sun and he will not trade places; so the Moon tempts him with stories of the stars and two come up with a compromise that explains why the moon can sometimes be seen in the daytime.
"The mayor of the noisy city of La Paz institutes new laws forbidding all singing, but a brave little rooster decides he must sing, despite the progressively severe punishments he receives for continuing to crow. The silenced populace, invigorated by the rooster's bravery, ousts the tyrannical mayor and returns their city to its free and clamorous state"--
Miss Lotta Scales is a dragon who believes her job is to protect the school's library books from the children, but when she finally realizes that books are meant to be read, the dragon turns into Miss Lotty, librarian and storyteller. The new librarian is a real fire-breathing dragon who in time learns to trust children with her books. The new librarian at Sunrise Elementary School is a real dragon!
El alcalde de la ruidosa ciudad de La Paz instituye nuevas leyes que prohíben todo el canto, pero un gallo valiente decide que debe cantar, a pesar de los castigos progresivamente severos que recibe por seguir cazando. El populacho silenciado, vigorizado por la valentía del gallo, derroca al tirínico alcalde y devuelve su ciudad a su estado libre y clamoroso.
"The mayor of the noisy city of La Paz institutes new laws forbidding all singing,...
La Paz es un pueblo alegre, pero ruidoso. Un poco de silencio no le vendría nada mal. Así que la gente del pueblo elige a don Pepe de alcalde para que resuelva el problema del ruido. Muy pronto, se prohíbe cantar en cualquier sitio. ¡Y hasta las teteras tienen miedo de pitar!
Pero un gallito muy ruidoso, a quien le importa un pito las reglas del alcalde, sigue haciendo lo que los gallos hacen desde que nacen: ¡cantar!
La Paz is a happy, but...
Have you ever seen the moon on a clear blue day and wondered why?
Hubo un tiempo en que solo el sol reinaba en el día, la luna adornaba la noche y los niños pequeños se iban a la cama antes del anochecer. Pero entonces, una mañana, la luna escuchó a unos niños reír y deseó verlos a la luz del día.
Carmen Agra Deedy y Jim LaMarche han creado un cuento magistral y original sobre encontrar nuestro lugar en el universo.
There once was a time...
Have you ever been REALLY, mad at your best friend?
Cada día, Rita y Ralph se reúnen para jugar bajo el manzano. Siempre se divierten, hasta el triste día en que un juego nuevo hace llorar a uno de los dos. ¿Quién iba a decir que era tan difícil decir "Lo siento"?
Every day, Rita and Ralph meet to play beneath the apple tree. It's always fun and games, until one roundly rotten day, when a new game means someone ends up crying. Who knew it...
Have you ever seen the moon on a clear blue day and wondered why?
There once was a time, when the sun alone ruled the day, the moon graced the night, and little children were sent to bed before sunset. Then early one dawn, the moon heard sounds of children laughing, and she yearned to see them by daylight.
"Certainly not!" snapped the sun. "The day is mine. The night is yours!"
But, the moon had a clever plan...
Carmen Agra Deedy and Jim LaMarche...
A powerful tale that celebrates the spirit of freedom-- and the courage of those who are born to sing at any cost.
La Paz is a happy, but noisy village. A little peace and quiet would make it just right. So the villagers elect the bossy Don Pepe as their mayor. Before long, singing of any kind is outlawed. Even the teakettle is afraid to whistle!But there is one noisy rooster who doesn't give two mangos about this mayor's silly rules. Instead, he...
Product Description: Carmen Agra Deedy delivers a deliciously inventive Cuban version of the beloved Martina folktale, complete with a dash of cafe cubano. Martina the beautiful cockroach doesn't know coffee beans about love and marriage. That's where her Cuban family comes in. While some of the Cucarachas offer her gifts to make her more attractive, only Abuela, her grandmother, gives her something really useful: un consejo increible, some shocking...