Tom Craig
In Season Eighth of this delightful detective show, joy and heartbreak await Det. William Murdoch and his friends in turn-of-the-century Toronto. After his brutal beating by the dockyard gang, Inspector Brackenreid's future remains uncertain. Constable Crabtree faces life-altering changes, including a new romance, while Dr. Emily Grace and Dr. Julia Ogden join the women's suffrage movement. And in the show's 100th episode, wedding bells ring as Murdoch...
At the dawn of the 20th century, Detective William Murdoch solves Toronto's trickiest cases with scientific insight and ingenuity in this award-winning mystery series. From flying early aircraft to infiltrating nudist communities, consulting with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to helping a young Winston Churchill, Murdoch has always been a man ahead of his time. In Season Six, he also confronts legal and social challenges to be with his love, pathologist-turned-psychiatrist...
At the dawn of the 20th century, Detective William Murdoch solves Toronto's trickiest cases with scientific insight and ingenuity in this award-winning mystery series. From flying early aircraft to infiltrating nudist communities, consulting with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to helping a young Winston Churchill, Murdoch has always been a man ahead of his time. In Season Six, he also confronts legal and social challenges to be with his love, pathologist-turned-psychiatrist...
At the dawn of the 20th century, Detective William Murdoch solves Toronto's trickiest cases with scientific insight and ingenuity in this award-winning mystery series. From flying early aircraft to infiltrating nudist communities, consulting with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to helping a young Winston Churchill, Murdoch has always been a man ahead of his time. In Season Six, he also confronts legal and social challenges to be with his love, pathologist-turned-psychiatrist...
In Season Eighth of this delightful detective show, joy and heartbreak await Det. William Murdoch and his friends in turn-of-the-century Toronto. After his brutal beating by the dockyard gang, Inspector Brackenreid's future remains uncertain. Constable Crabtree faces life-altering changes, including a new romance, while Dr. Emily Grace and Dr. Julia Ogden join the women's suffrage movement. And in the show's 100th episode, wedding bells ring as Murdoch...