Cinedigm (Firm)
A modern fantasy adventure series following six fashion-forward best friends (Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna, and Aisha) situated mainly in the Magical Dimension and on Earth. When trouble arises, the Winx Club transforms into beautiful fairies who use their unique magical powers to fight villains and save the world from evil. They discover new, evolved, much stronger fairy transformations and forms, unlock new secrets and even stronger magical...
It has been several months since the Fall of Beacon, and the world of remnant is still recovering. Tensions are high, lives have been lost and the members of Team RWBY, are divided. Each of our heroes now faces a journey of their own. While some must search inward if they ever hope to move on, others will venture out into the world in search of answers.
The Hive is a colorful new animated series for pre-schoolers featuring the Bee family, who live together in Honeybee Hive. Pappa Bee, Mamma Bee, Buzzbee and Rubee are really just like any other family, except they are tiny, stripy and buzz around in the sky! The Hive is about the everyday things that concern little children such as playing, being friendly, spending time with your family and finding out all about the world and how it works.
In present day, Piggley lives with his three grandchildren and their mother. Whenever the children have a problem, Piggley tells them one of his childhood stories as a moral lesson. With flashbacks to 1950s Ireland, it shows Piggley with his friends and family and the lessons he learned. The grandchildren are able to identify core preschool themes such as storytelling, integral relationships and importance of family.
"In the 80s, wrestling events in Texas were like rock concerts. Fans flocked to arenas to experience the excitement of World Class Championship Werstling. But just as quickly as it rose to popularity, WCCW burnt out through a series of traumatic losses. This one-disc DVD includes exclusive interviews with Kevin Von Erich, Ric Flair, the Freebirds and more"--Container
"In the tradition of Spinal Tap and The Office comes a frighteningly funny documentary that reveals the untold tragedy of the man who dreamed of "sharks in a tornado" and called it Sharknado. David Moore was an award-winning documentarian who couldn't shake his love of creature movies. And so he would make the most terrifying monster movie ever told, a tale of nature's deadliest creations swirling together as one. But the production was rife with...
Haunting stories of witches, vampires, ghosts, zombies, and demons have been re-told throughout the ages and endure to this day. Is there more to these legends than fiction? In this 2-disc collection, National Geographic unearths strange and startling truths behind centuries of lore and legends of the supernatural.
13) Visitors
Reveals humanity's trancelike relationship with technology. Footage of nonverbal human portraits and communication reveals a constant stream of unconscious emotions, barely noticed by most people. The protagonist, a wise gorilla, sagely witnesses the antics of homo sapiens.
The Winx Club is a modern fantasy adventure series following six fashion-forward best friends (Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna and Aisha). The show is situated in the Magical Dimension and on Earth. When trouble arises, the Winx Club transforms into beautiful fairies that use their unique magical powers to fight villains and save the world from evil.
The Winx Club is a modern fantasy adventure series following six fashion-forward best friends (Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna and Aisha). The show is situated in the Magical Dimension and on Earth. When trouble arises, the Winx Club transforms into beautiful fairies that use their unique magical powers to fight villains and save the world from evil.
The Winx Club is a modern fantasy adventure series following six fashion-forward best friends (Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna and Aisha). The show is situated in the Magical Dimension and on Earth. When trouble arises, the Winx Club transforms into beautiful fairies that use their unique magical powers to fight villains and save the world from evil.
The Winx Club is a modern fantasy adventure series following six fashion-forward best friends (Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna and Aisha). The show is situated in the Magical Dimension and on Earth. When trouble arises, the Winx Club transforms into beautiful fairies that use their unique magical powers to fight villains and save the world from evil.
Seven legendary Number cards are hidden throughout the cosmos, each holding a key to unlocking the ultimate power of the universe. Yuma and Astral must find them before the evil Barians do, for whoever wields this force can use it to save the galaxy, or destroy it! But as our dueling duo faces new challenges and adventures, their very friendship is put to the test! Can they overcome their differences before their differences overcome them?
Seven legendary Number cards are hidden throughout the cosmos, each holding a key to unlocking the ultimate power of the universe. Yuma and Astral must find them before the evil Barians do, for whoever wields this force can use it to save the galaxy, or destroy it! But as our dueling duo faces new challenges and adventures, their very friendship is put to the test! Can they overcome their differences before their differences overcome them?
Seven legendary Number cards are hidden throughout the cosmos, each holding a key to unlocking the ultimate power of the universe. Yuma and Astral must find them before the evil Barians do, for whoever wields this force can use it to save the galaxy, or destroy it! But as our dueling duo faces new challenges and adventures, their very friendship is put to the test! Can they overcome their differences before their differences overcome them?